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发表于 2024-07-17 16:35:08 股吧网页版
安道麦B:关于变更高级管理人员的公告(英文版) 查看PDF原文


Stock Code: 000553(200553) Stock Abbreviation: ADAMA A (B) NO. 2024-39


Announcement on the Change of the Senior Executive

The Company and all members of the Company’s Board of Directors confirm that all
information disclosed herein is true, accurate and complete, with no false or misleading
statement or material omission.

The Board of Directors of ADAMA Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Board” and the
“Company”) recently received notice from Mr. Steve Hawkins informing the Company of his
resignation as the President and CEO (legal representative of the Company) in light of his
appointment as President of Syngenta Crop Protection. Mr. Steve Hawkins’s resignation will
come into effect upon the appointment of the new President and CEO entering into effect on
October 1, 2024. Following his resignation, Mr. Steve Hawkins will cease to hold anyposition
in the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiary,ADAMAAgricultural Solutions Ltd. As of
the date of this announcement, Mr. Steve Hawkins does not hold any Company shares.

The Board highly values and deeply appreciates the significant contribution Mr. Steve
Hawkins made to the Company during his tenure.

The 4th Meeting of the 10th Session of the Board held on July 16, 2024 approved the Proposal
on Change of the Senior Executive of the Company. For details, please refer to the
Announcement of Resolution of the 4th Meeting of the 10th Session of the Board of Directors
(Announcement No.2024-38) disclosed by the Company on http://www.cninfo.com.cn on
July 18, 2024.

According to the Company Law, Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Guidelines of
Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Self-discipline Supervision of Listed Companies No.1 -
Standardized Operation of Main Board Listed Companies, the Company’s Articles of
Association and other relevant regulations, and after being reviewed by the Nomination
Committee of the Board, the Board approved the appoi……


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