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发表于 2024-09-06 16:07:11 股吧网页版
东山精密:2024年半年度报告(英文版) 查看PDF原文


Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Semi-Annual Report 2024

August 20, 2024

Section I Important Note, Table of Contents and Definitions

The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior executives
of the Company hereby warrant that the information contained in this Semi-Annual Report is
true, accurate and complete without any misrepresentation, misleading statement or material
omission, and agree to assume joint and several liabilities for this Semi-Annual Report.

YUAN Yonggang, Principal of the Company, CFO WANG Xu and Accounting Supervisor
ZHU Deguang hereby represent that the financial statements contained in this Semi-Annual
Report are true, accurate and complete.

All directors of the Company attended the meeting of the Board of Directors reviewing this
Semi-Annual Report.

Forward-looking statements such as those on future development plans in this Report do not
constitute substantial commitments by the Company to the investors. The investors should
make investments rationally and keep an eye on the associated risks.

In this Report, the Company has elaborated relevant potential risk factors and
countermeasures, as can be referred to in “X. Risk Exposures to the Company and
Countermeasures” under “Section III Management’s Discussion and Analysis”, to which the
investors should pay attention.

TheCompany had no plan to pay cash dividends,distributebonus shares or convertany capital
reserve to the share capital.

This document is a translated version of the Chinese Semi-Annual Report 2024 ("2024年半年度报告"). In
case of any discrepancies, the Semi-Annual Report 2024 published in the Chinese version shall prevail. The
full Chinese Semi-Annual Report 2024 is available at www.cninfo.com.cn.

Table of Contents

Section I Important Note, Table of Contents and Definitions ...... 2

Section II Company Profile and Financial Highlights ...... 7

Section III Management’……


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