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发表于 2024-07-09 18:21:08 股吧网页版
瓦轴B:2024年半年度业绩预告(英文) 查看PDF原文


Short title:WaZhou B Code:200706 No.: 2024-013

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

Estimated performance of half year of 2024

The company and all members of the board of directors besides Zhao Qingtao and Fang Bo ensured the
truth, accuracy, completeness, no false record, misleading statement and fatal omit of the announcement.

Zhao Qingtao and Fang Bo think the financial data related to the performance forecast of this
reporting period have not been audited and is uncertain.so they can not ensure the truth, accuracy,
completeness, no false record, misleading statement and fatal omit of the announcement.

I. The estimated performance for the current period

1.Performance period:January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024.

2. Estimated performance: Losses turn losses into gains

increase compared with last period Decline compared with last period

Items Current period Last period

Net profit attributable to Loss:40 million Yuan-60 million Yuan Loss:35.38million Yuan

shareholders of a listed company

Net profit after deducting Loss:65 million Yuan-85 million Yuan Loss:44.83 million Yuan

non-recurring gains and losses

Basic earnings per share Loss: 0.10–0.15yuan per share Loss:0.09 yuan per share

II. The audited situation

The financial data related to the performance forecast of this reporting period have not been audited by
certified public accountants.
III. Statement for performance change

The company remained in a loss-making position during the reporting period due to a further narrowing of
the product margin caused by factors such as the decline in product sales prices and the increase in the
cost of purchasing raw materials.
IV. Other relative statement

1.The estimated performance is the preliminary data, The ……


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