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发表于 2024-08-12 17:53:06 股吧网页版
瓦轴B:第九届董事会第十一次会议决议公告(英) 查看PDF原文


Stockabbreviation: WazhouB Stockcode: 200706 No.: 2024-17

of resolutionof 11th meetingof 9thBoardof Directors

The Company and all members of the BOD guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate and completed, and
that there areno false records,misleading statements or material omissions.

I. Convening of the Board Meeting

1. Time and manner of the notification

The notice on convening the 11th session of 9th BOD under the name of Wafangdian Bearing
Company Limited was sent by written fax onAugust 6, 2024.

2. Time, place and manner of the BoardMeeting

The 11th session of 9th BOD to be held on at 9:30 am on August 12, 2024 by means of on-site
combined with communication.

3. Number of directors who should have attended the Meeting and actual number of directors who
11 directorsshouldattend, and 11 actuallyattended

4. Moderatorof the Meetingand participantsof the Meeting

More than half of the directorselected Mr. Wang Jiyuanto chair the meeting.

5. The Meeting of the BOD was held in accordance with the relevant provisions of Company laws and
Article of Association.
II. Meeting consideration

1. The proposalof appointingadirectorof the companytoact as chairmanofthe board;

Voting result: 11 valid votes,11 in favor, 0 against,0 abstentions

2. The proposalof amendingthe articlesof association;

Voting result: 11 valid votes,11 in favor, 0 against,0 abstentions

3. Proposal for the election of non-independent director candidates for the ninth Board of
Directorsofthe Company;

Voting result: 11 valid votes,11 in favor, 0 against,0 abstentions

Recommended by Wafangdian Bearing Group Co., LTD., the largest shareholder of the Company,
and reviewed and nominated by the Company's nomination Committee, Li Huawei is the
non-independentdirectorcandidateforthe ninthdirector of the Company.

Among the cand……


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