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29 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 03-14 01:06
30 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities 碧迪医疗资讯 03-13 04:25
29 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 03-05 01:10
189 0 资讯 已致4例死亡,美FDA对碧迪医疗一产品发布潜在高风险早 碧迪医疗资讯 02-19 10:27
144 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 02-13 05:50
139 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities 碧迪医疗资讯 02-13 05:17
174 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 02-11 06:07
372 0 资讯 碧迪医疗剥离诊断与生物科学部门,估值约300亿美元 碧迪医疗资讯 02-08 10:43
193 0 公告 Initial statement of beneficial ownership of secur 碧迪医疗资讯 02-08 05:30
195 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 02-07 21:20
196 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 02-07 21:17
447 0 正式官宣!碧迪医疗将拆分其生命科学与诊断业务 MedTrend医趋势 02-07 13:19
200 0 公告 Quarterly report [Sections 13 or 15(d)] 碧迪医疗资讯 02-07 06:07
206 0 公告 Current report, items 2.02, 7.01, and 9.01 碧迪医疗资讯 02-06 05:40
437 0 300亿美元估值!碧迪考虑剥离生命科学业务 MedTrend医趋势 02-05 17:01
574 0 资讯 碧迪医疗据悉拟分拆生命科学部门,对后者估值或达近30 碧迪医疗资讯 02-03 21:54
249 0 公告 Current report, item 5.07 碧迪医疗资讯 02-01 05:14
272 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 01-31 08:08
263 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 01-31 05:13
269 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 01-31 05:08
270 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 01-31 05:05
275 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 01-31 05:05
273 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 01-31 05:03
254 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 01-31 05:03
169 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 01-31 05:03
171 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 01-31 05:01
135 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 01-31 04:54
187 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 01-22 22:22
190 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 01-22 22:20
199 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities 碧迪医疗资讯 01-22 05:25
202 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities 碧迪医疗资讯 01-22 02:49
198 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 01-21 21:23
238 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities 碧迪医疗资讯 01-18 05:23
338 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 01-10 20:14
338 0 公告 Current report, items 5.02, 7.01, and 9.01 碧迪医疗资讯 01-10 20:04
3165 6 资讯 人工耳蜗集采降至5万左右:业界称降幅温和 多家外企中 海南海药资讯 01-08 07:51
374 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities 碧迪医疗资讯 01-08 05:25
357 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 01-07 09:34
528 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 12-20 23:20
531 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities 碧迪医疗资讯 12-20 05:24
523 0 公告 Annual Report to Security Holders 碧迪医疗资讯 12-19 23:51
527 0 公告 Other definitive proxy statements 碧迪医疗资讯 12-19 23:43
525 0 公告 Additional definitive proxy soliciting materials a 碧迪医疗资讯 12-19 23:42
492 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 12-11 09:26
490 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 12-11 09:19
483 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities 碧迪医疗资讯 12-10 05:52
449 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 12-07 06:00
446 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities 碧迪医疗资讯 12-07 05:38
449 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities 碧迪医疗资讯 12-07 05:38
453 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities 碧迪医疗资讯 12-06 05:45
424 0 公告 [Amend] Statement of changes in beneficial ownersh 碧迪医疗资讯 12-04 03:20
421 0 公告 [Amend] Statement of changes in beneficial ownersh 碧迪医疗资讯 12-04 03:19
3350 0 资讯 人工耳蜗集采开锣:外资品牌需求占主导 国产厂家能否 碧迪医疗资讯 12-03 14:56
392 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 11-30 07:13
374 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 11-29 23:12
372 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 11-29 23:08
368 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 11-29 23:06
228 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 11-29 23:06
232 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 11-29 23:05
224 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 11-29 23:03
221 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 11-29 23:03
225 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 11-29 23:02
221 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 11-29 23:01
157 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 11-29 23:00
176 0 公告 Annual report [Section 13 and 15(d), not S-K Item 碧迪医疗资讯 11-28 02:49
332 0 公告 Current report, items 2.02 and 9.01 碧迪医疗资讯 11-07 19:48
597 0 公告 Q4 FY24 Earnings Presentation 碧迪医疗资讯 11-07 00:00
332 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 11-06 09:51
340 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se 碧迪医疗资讯 11-06 09:51
1362 5 资讯 进博“新”秀:新品发布数再创新高,前沿科技产品扎堆 碧迪医疗资讯 11-06 09:16
1098 0 资讯 从全球首获批的慢阻肺药到一周用一次的胰岛素,这些最 辉瑞资讯 11-05 23:13
1517 0 资讯 医疗界神仙打架,探营进博会“最卷”展区 赛诺菲资讯 11-04 08:11
943 0 资讯 进博会助推全球医疗创新高水平开放合作 用实力诠释“ 碧迪医疗资讯 10-31 19:09
1613 1 资讯 11家世界500强药企和全球十大医疗器械企业齐聚上海 预 诺和诺德资讯 10-25 07:52
383 0 公告 Current report, items 7.01 and 9.01 碧迪医疗资讯 10-03 05:41
684 0 资讯 碧迪医疗雒剑:今年有一个战略性项目要落地河南 碧迪医疗资讯 09-26 14:32
1418 3 资讯 中原医学科学城 为何吸引跨国药企目光? 飞利浦资讯 09-26 10:45
977 1 碧迪医疗 潮汕佬 09-25 16:19
399 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities 碧迪医疗资讯 09-17 00:00
396 0 医用聚氨酯制品,前五大厂商共占有35.25%份额 股友o028P17980 09-13 13:34
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