iShares India 50 ETF吧
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112 0 可以啦,算强势了 善良的光心语2 03-07 02:24
105 0 要反弹了 李大飞918 02-26 03:51
194 0 咖喱加油 martinlwang 02-13 22:32
280 0 心烦意乱,一句mmp完蛋啦 WilliAm 11-13 18:16
261 0 周一又挨打了[大笑] 烂泥也要扶上墙 10-25 23:45
242 0 ??????怎么突然就跌了 淡定的朱麦克 10-15 23:12
226 0 咋不跟上老纳呢? 一年定一个小目标 10-08 22:46
263 0 高开低走,卧槽! 赵走肖 09-10 22:17
288 2 盘后2.6?? 小花玩T 09-10 10:25
292 1 这是164824对标的基金吗? 股友7L61D60039 07-06 00:00
291 0 这个时间怎么看不到实时的走势。 基民rLFscy 06-28 16:46
863 2 公告 [Amend] Statement of acquisition of beneficial own iShares India 50资讯 04-10 05:32
594 1 公告 [Amend] Statement of acquisition of beneficial own iShares India 50资讯 04-10 05:31
499 0 公告 Definitive materials iShares India 50资讯 03-28 06:40
510 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 03-28 05:55
573 0 公告 Monthly Portfolio Investments Report on Form N-POR 公司公告 03-28 04:10
509 0 公告 Monthly Portfolio Investments Report on Form N-POR iShares India 50资讯 03-28 03:56
595 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 03-11 19:10
704 0 公告 [Amend] Statement of acquisition of beneficial own iShares India 50资讯 02-11 03:42
790 0 公告 [Amend] Statement of acquisition of beneficial own iShares India 50资讯 02-08 00:51
702 0 公告 [Amend] Statement of acquisition of beneficial own iShares India 50资讯 02-08 00:43
614 0 公告 New effective date for post-effective amendment [R iShares India 50资讯 02-06 19:37
776 0 公告 [Amend] Statement of acquisition of beneficial own iShares India 50资讯 02-06 03:51
736 0 公告 New effective date for post-effective amendment [R iShares India 50资讯 01-14 01:21
621 0 公告 Post-effective amendment [Rule 485(b)] iShares India 50资讯 01-06 19:13
754 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 12-28 03:07
746 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 12-28 01:53
709 0 公告 Monthly Portfolio Investments Report on Form N-POR iShares India 50资讯 12-27 02:10
683 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 11-09 06:43
725 0 公告 New effective date for post-effective amendment [R iShares India 50资讯 10-17 21:04
764 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 09-27 06:01
909 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 08-27 01:51
838 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 08-27 01:45
1363 0 公告 [Amend] Statement of acquisition of beneficial own iShares India 50资讯 08-10 03:10
756 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 07-30 20:27
786 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 07-30 20:27
772 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 07-30 20:27
751 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 07-30 20:27
732 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 07-30 20:08
760 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 07-30 06:00
505 0 公告 New effective date for post-effective amendment [R iShares India 50资讯 07-25 00:00
423 0 公告 Definitive materials iShares India 50资讯 07-25 00:00
816 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 07-11 18:14
749 0 公告 Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership b iShares India 50资讯 07-11 04:39
883 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 06-28 23:56
615 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 06-28 00:00
466 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 06-28 00:00
512 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 06-28 00:00
484 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 06-28 00:00
528 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 06-28 00:00
553 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 06-28 00:00
520 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 06-28 00:00
643 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 06-26 18:28
641 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 06-26 18:24
680 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 06-26 18:23
693 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 06-26 18:23
470 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 06-25 00:00
450 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 06-25 00:00
454 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 06-25 00:00
471 0 公告 Portfolio Holdings Exhibit to Form N-PORT iShares India 50资讯 06-25 00:00
740 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 06-21 14:38
561 0 公告 Post-effective amendment [Rule 485(b)] iShares India 50资讯 06-13 00:00
455 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 06-12 00:00
493 0 公告 Form CERT iShares India 50资讯 06-11 00:00
871 0 公告 [Amend] Statement of acquisition of beneficial own iShares India 50资讯 06-08 05:29
464 0 公告 [Amend] Statement of acquisition of beneficial own iShares India 50资讯 06-07 00:00
462 0 公告 Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership b iShares India 50资讯 06-07 00:00
475 0 公告 Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership b iShares India 50资讯 06-07 00:00
695 0 公告 Summary Prospectus for certain open-end management iShares India 50资讯 06-03 20:03
616 0 公告 Post-effective amendment [Rule 485(b)] iShares India 50资讯 06-03 19:24
621 0 公告 Definitive materials iShares India 50资讯 05-29 18:30
664 0 公告 New effective date for post-effective amendment [R iShares India 50资讯 05-29 03:53
674 0 公告 Definitive materials iShares India 50资讯 05-28 20:15
805 0 公告 Rule 24F-2 notice iShares India 50资讯 05-25 02:25
745 0 公告 New effective date for post-effective amendment [R iShares India 50资讯 05-25 01:30
662 0 公告 Certification of no change in definitive materials iShares India 50资讯 05-25 01:30
612 0 公告 Post-effective amendment [Rule 485(a)] iShares India 50资讯 05-24 06:06
616 0 公告 Definitive materials iShares India 50资讯 05-24 05:24
704 0 公告 Definitive materials iShares India 50资讯 05-21 18:20
652 0 公告 Post-effective amendment [Rule 485(a)] iShares India 50资讯 05-21 05:57
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