lululemon athletica inc吧
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34 0 公告 [Amend] Statement of Beneficial Ownership by Certa lululemon athlet资讯 03-07 23:08
82 0 公告 [Amend] Statement of Beneficial Ownership by Certa lululemon athlet资讯 02-12 22:21
174 0 公告 [Amend] General Statement of Acquisition of Benefi lululemon athlet资讯 01-24 06:36
165 0 公告 Automatic shelf registration statement of securiti lululemon athlet资讯 01-24 05:17
468 0 资讯 lululemon继续下探二三线城市 lululemon athlet资讯 01-17 09:50
177 0 公告 Current report, items 7.01 and 9.01 lululemon athlet资讯 01-14 05:16
1037 0 资讯 假日季销售亮眼 Lululemon上调Q4营收、盈利指引 lululemon athlet资讯 01-13 21:03
241 0 北美市场已触底,中国市场增长显著,全球扩张策略正在 芯药酒合伙人 01-07 22:37
460 0 资讯 分析师维持看跌Lululemon股票评级 建议投资者卖出 lululemon athlet资讯 01-03 11:18
202 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se lululemon athlet资讯 12-31 05:15
219 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of se lululemon athlet资讯 12-27 06:24
205 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities lululemon athlet资讯 12-27 05:08
207 0 公告 [Amend] General Statement of Acquisition of Benefi lululemon athlet资讯 12-20 05:36
338 0 研报 北美市场已触底,中国市场增长显著,全球扩 lululemon athlet资讯 12-12 13:11
213 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial owner lululemon athlet资讯 12-12 06:57
219 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial owner lululemon athlet资讯 12-12 06:57
1164 0 资讯 消费参考丨中国市场救了Lululemon lululemon athlet资讯 12-10 08:15
205 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities lululemon athlet资讯 12-10 05:30
206 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities lululemon athlet资讯 12-10 05:06
204 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities lululemon athlet资讯 12-10 05:05
450 0 资讯 lululemon第三季度中国市场收入涨近四成, lululemon athlet资讯 12-09 16:27
402 0 资讯 摩根士丹利:上调lululemon目标价至414美元 lululemon athlet资讯 12-09 10:13
363 1 当年区块链龙头,有实际业绩。尤洛卡的控股 小鱼儿eVTOL2025 12-07 10:00
1025 0 资讯 lululemon美股盘前涨逾9% lululemon athlet资讯 12-06 17:08
811 0 资讯 露露乐蒙第三季度净营收24亿美元,中国业务 lululemon athlet资讯 12-06 16:25
545 0 资讯 露露乐蒙第三季度每股收益超出预期 盘后上 lululemon athlet资讯 12-06 10:35
622 0 资讯 Lululemon预计财年净营收为104.5亿美元至10 lululemon athlet资讯 12-06 06:29
223 0 公告 Quarterly report [Sections 13 or 15(d)] lululemon athlet资讯 12-06 05:21
209 0 公告 Current report, items 2.02, 8.01, and 9. lululemon athlet资讯 12-06 05:16
575 0 公告 lululemon athletica Q3 2024 Results lululemon athlet资讯 12-05 00:00
744 0 昂跑股票分析:股价暴涨95%以后,昂跑股票 猛兽财经 11-20 17:28
233 0 公告 [Amend] Statement of Beneficial Ownershi lululemon athlet资讯 11-13 04:55
422 0 资讯 耐克、彪马、亚瑟士这些国际大牌 都在进博 耐克资讯 11-11 13:12
487 0 资讯 lululemon首次亮相进博会 不断加码中国市场 lululemon athlet资讯 11-09 09:48
410 0 资讯 lululemon进博会首秀 中国大陆市场已成为全 lululemon athlet资讯 11-07 15:35
417 0 资讯 露露乐蒙首次亮相进博会,预计中国大陆门店 lululemon athlet资讯 11-07 15:25
426 0 资讯 首秀进博会,lululemon要用中国市场线上运 lululemon athlet资讯 11-07 08:54
421 0 资讯 (第七届进博会)进博“新朋友”露露乐蒙: lululemon athlet资讯 11-06 17:29
241 0 公告 [Amend] Statement of Beneficial Ownershi lululemon athlet资讯 11-05 19:13
2432 0 资讯 三十外企致进博会:对中国有什么期待 赛诺菲资讯 11-05 12:19
519 0 资讯 lululemon在瑜伽之外还有机会吗 lululemon athlet资讯 10-17 16:56
571 0 公告 Shanghai Analyst Meeting 2024 Presentati lululemon athlet资讯 10-10 00:00
238 0 公告 [Amend] Statement of Beneficial Ownershi lululemon athlet资讯 10-07 23:40
257 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial owner lululemon athlet资讯 10-01 05:52
256 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities lululemon athlet资讯 09-27 04:22
541 0 名人和中产,都选择穿上「本来(BENLAI)」 真探AlphaSeeker 09-24 19:17
511 0 名人和中产,都选择穿上「本来(BENLAI)」 深响DeepEcho 09-24 18:06
294 0 2年开16家大店,本来BENLAI成中产服饰新宠 蓝鲨消费 09-14 19:32
668 0 北美失守、平替涌现,Lululemon卖不动了 新熵财富号 09-11 20:19
283 0 公告 [Amend] Statement of Beneficial Ownershi lululemon athlet资讯 09-10 22:35
292 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial owner lululemon athlet资讯 09-06 05:24
331 0 喝碱水生儿子,戴蒂芙尼克领导,谁在小红书 新识研究所 09-05 18:43
686 3 Keep2024年上半年全方位增长,商业模式跑通 美港股观察社 09-05 08:11
1017 0 研报 中国大陆地区保持强力增长,北美女装业务趋 lululemon athlet资讯 09-04 15:56
479 0 资讯 二姨看时尚|Gap误发财报后停牌;“迪奥倾 lululemon athlet资讯 09-02 09:24
639 0 资讯 「新消费观察」中国市场营收猛涨近四成 lul lululemon athlet资讯 08-31 23:38
496 0 资讯 露露乐蒙上季度营收增速放缓 中国市场门店 lululemon athlet资讯 08-31 12:00
583 0 资讯 增长放缓,奇迹不再,Lululemon如何定义自 lululemon athlet资讯 08-31 11:10
464 0 资讯 lululemon下调全年业绩指引 Q2中国市场营收 lululemon athlet资讯 08-30 23:34
400 0 资讯 Lululemon中国内地市场净营收增长34% 重申 lululemon athlet资讯 08-30 23:02
431 0 资讯 lululemon2024财年第二季度中国内地市场净 lululemon athlet资讯 08-30 18:11
333 0 资讯 lululemon发布2024财年第二季度财报,全球 lululemon athlet资讯 08-30 18:03
315 0 资讯 lululemon下调全年净营收预期 lululemon athlet资讯 08-30 08:59
299 0 资讯 lululemon下调全年净营收预期 lululemon athlet资讯 08-30 08:36
160 0 公告 Quarterly report [Sections 13 or 15(d)] lululemon athlet资讯 08-30 04:26
125 0 公告 Current report, items 2.02 and 9.01 lululemon athlet资讯 08-30 04:21
131 0 公告 Report of proposed sale of securities lululemon athlet资讯 08-29 04:45
577 0 公告 lululemon athletica Q2 2024 Results lululemon athlet资讯 08-29 00:00
251 0 研报 北美销售放缓,国际市场潜力巨大 lululemon athlet资讯 08-23 16:47
409 0 资讯 lululemon中国市场连续开店 下沉至三线市场 lululemon athlet资讯 08-22 15:30
653 0 资讯 第七届进博会喜迎开幕倒计时100天 lululemo lululemon athlet资讯 07-26 16:53
844 0 研报 独创社群营销,拓展多品类发展 lululemon athlet资讯 07-04 13:34
306 0 公告 Current report, item 5.07 lululemon athlet资讯 06-13 04:29
279 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial owner lululemon athlet资讯 06-12 17:49
286 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial owner lululemon athlet资讯 06-12 16:57
276 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial owner lululemon athlet资讯 06-12 16:57
273 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial owner lululemon athlet资讯 06-12 16:56
284 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial owner lululemon athlet资讯 06-12 16:56
277 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial owner lululemon athlet资讯 06-12 16:56
262 0 公告 Statement of changes in beneficial owner lululemon athlet资讯 06-12 16:55
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