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发表于 2024-12-19 20:13:04 股吧网页版
冰山B:九届二十四次董事会议决议公告(英文) 查看PDF原文


Stock Code: 000530, 200530 Notice No: 2024-035
Short Form of the Stock: Bingshan; Bingshan B

Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
Resolution of 24th Meeting of 9th Session of the Board

Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) and
its whole members of Board of Directors ensure that the public notice is real, accurate
and complete,and thereareno anyimportant omissions, fictitious statements or serious
misleading carried in this notice.

I. Calling of the Board Meeting

1. The Notice on holding of the Board Meeting was served by written form on
December 9, 2024.

2. The Board Meeting held by communication vote dated December19, 2024.

3. Nine Directors should present for voting and all of them are present actually.

4. The Meeting was regarded as abiding the relevant laws, administrative regulation,
department rules, normative documents as well as theArticle ofAssociation.

II. Deliberation of the Board Meeting

1. Report on the Company meeting the conditions for issuing A-shares to specific
parties under the simplified procedure.

9 votes in favor; 0 vote objection; 0 vote waived

2. Report on the Company's plan to issue A-shares to specific subjects through
simplified procedures in 2024.

9 votes in favor; 0 vote objection; 0 vote waived

3. Report on the Company's pre-plan to issue A-shares to specific subjects through simplified
procedures in 2024.

9 votes in favor; 0 vote objection; 0 vote waived

4. Report on the demonstration and analysis report of the Company's plan to issue A-
shares to specific objects through simple procedures in 2024.

9 votes in favor; 0 vote objection; 0 vote waived

5. Report on the feasibility analysis report on the use of funds raised by the Company's
issuance ofA-shares to specific targets through simplified procedures in 2024.

9 votes in favor; 0 vote objection; 0 vote waived

6. Report on no need to prepare a report on the use of the ……


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