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发表于 2008-03-26 00:00:00 股吧网页版
长安B:2007年年度报告(英文版) 查看PDF原文


Chongqing Changan Automobile

Company Limited

2007 Annual Report


I. Important notes and contents:

Important notes

The Board of Directors& Supervisors of Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.

(hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) , the directors, supervisors and senior

management guarantee that the information contained in the annual report is free of false

records, misguiding statements or significant omissions, and assume individual and joint

liabilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and integrity of the annual report.

No director has raised any disagreement with regard to the truthfulness, accuracy and

completeness of the report.

Directors absent from the meeting.

Name of the Director Reasons for the absence Name of the consignee

Wang Tingwei On Business Cui Yunjiang

Xia Donglin On Business Gao Zhikai

Wen Zongyu On Business Gao Zhikai

The auditor of the Company, ERNST&YOUNG DA Ha Certified Public Accountants issued an

unqualified audit report.

Chairman Mr. Yin Jiaxu, General Manager Mr. Zhang Baolin,Chief Accountant Mr. Cui

Yunjiang, and the Chief of Accountant department, Mr. Ni Erke, herein guarantee: guarantee

the truthfulness and completeness of the financial statements of this semi-annual report.

The report shall be presented in both Chinese and English, and should there be any

conflicting understanding of the text, the Chinese version shall prevail.


I. Important notes and contents 1

II. General Introduction to the Company 2

III. Extracts of Accounting and Operating Data 3

IV. Changes in Shareholdings and Information about Shareholders 6

V. Information about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Employees 11

VI. Corporate Governance Structure 20

VII. Shareholders’ general meeting 27

VIII. Report by Board of Directors 28

IX. Report by Board of Supervisors 39

X. Important Issues 41


XI. Financial Statements 50-145

XII. Documents for Inspection 146


II. General Introduction to the Company

1. The ……


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