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发表于 2024-10-29 19:38:05 股吧网页版
瓦轴B:股票交易异常波动公告(英文) 查看PDF原文


Stock abbreviation: Wazhou B Stock code: 200706 No.: 2024-32

Wangfangdian Bearing Company Limited

TheAnnouncement for abnormal Fluctuation of the Share Price
The company and all the directors guarantee that the information is true, accurate and
complete, and there is no false record, false statement of misleading data or major omission.
I.An introduction to the abnormal fluctuations in stock trading

Wafangdian bearing co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the "company" or "the company")
stock (securities referred to as: tile axis B, stock code: 200706) for two consecutive trading
days (October 28,2024, October 29), closing price deviation from the value of more than
20%, according to the Shenzhen stock exchange (hereinafter referred to as the "Shenzhen
stockexchange")therelevant provisions,belongto theabnormal fluctuation ofstocktrading.
II.Relevant information that the company follows in on and verifies

Forcompanystocktradingabnormal fluctuations, thecompanyhas carriedontheinspection,
and the matters related to the controlling shareholder wafangdian bearing group co., LTD.
(hereinafter referred to as the "tile axis group") and the actual controller of Dalian municipal
people's government commission (hereinafter referred to as the "Dalian state-owned assets
supervision and administration commission") letter confirmation, will now related
information as follows:

1.As of the disclosure date of this announcement, there is no need to correct or supplement
the information disclosed in the early stage;

2. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the Company has found no undisclosed
material information that the public media reports mayor mayhave had a significant impact
on the stock trading price of the Company.

3. The current production and operation of the company is normal, and there has been no
major change in the company's operating situation and internal and external operating
environment recently.

4. The Company, t……


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