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发表于 2025-01-09 17:57:05 股吧网页版
杭汽轮B:关于重大资产重组的进展公告(英文) 查看PDF原文


Stock Code: 200771 Stock ID: Hangqilun B Announcement No.: 2025-01

Hangzhou Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd.

Announcement on the progress of the major asset restructuring

The members of the Board and the Company acknowledge being responsible for the truthfulness,
accuracy, and completeness of the announcement. Not any false record, misleading statement or
significant omission carried in this announcement.


Hangzhou Turbine Power Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hangzhou Turbine" or the
"Company") and Hangzhou Hirisun Technology Incorporated (hereinafter referred to as "Hirisun") are
planning to merge Hangzhou Turbine by Hirisun by way of issuing A shares to all shareholders of
Hangzhou Turbine(hereinafter referred to as the "Transaction"). This transaction constitutes a major asset
restructuring as stipulated in the Administrative Measures for the Major Asset Restructuring of Listed
Companies, and also constitutes a related party transaction of the Company, and is expected to constitute
a restructuring and listing. After the completion of this transaction, Hangzhou Turbine will terminate its
listingandcancelitslegalpersonality,andHirisunwillinheritandundertakeallassets, liabilities,business,
personnel, contracts and all other rights and obligations of Hangzhou Turbine . The A-shares issued by
Hirisun for the transaction will apply for listing and circulation on the GEM of the Shenzhen Stock

II.Theprogressof thetransaction

Afterapplying totheShenzhenStockExchange,theCompany's shares(Stock ID: Hangqilun B,
Stock Code: 200771)have been suspended from the opening of the market on October 28, 2024
(Monday), and the suspension time is expected to be no more than 10 trading days. For details, please
refer to the Company's announcement on the planning of major asset restructuring matters and the
Company's suspension of share trading (Announcement No.: 2024-58) disclosed on the……


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