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发表于 2024-08-30 17:14:20 股吧网页版
神马股份:神马股份2023年可持续发展报告(英文版) 查看PDF原文


Shenma Industrial Co., Ltd.
Sustainability Report 2023


Opening of the Report ESG Governance Product Liability Social Responsibility Fulfillment
About This Report 01 ESG Governance Structure 27 R&D Innovation 51 Supply Chain Management 111

Chairman's Message 03 Stakeholder Communication 29 Quality Assurance 59 Public Welfare and Charity 115

Materiality Assessment 30 Customer Service 63

Responsible Marketing 67

Company Overview Corporate Governance Climate and Environment

About Shenma Corporation 05 Party Building 33 Environmental Management 71

Main Products and Businesses 09 Governance Structure 35 Pollution Emission Control 74

Major Honors and Recognition in 2023 11 Compliance and Risk Control 39 Resource Conservation and Circular Economy 79

Business Ethics and Anti Corruption 41 Against Climate Change 83 Appendix

Cybersecurity and Data Protection 47 Performance Table of Quantified Data

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights 49 ……


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