豆粕及菜粕需求剧减,连续跌停难免+供大于求。今夜美国农产品将持续暴跌。 中国
中国没有发布大豆库存数据,市场估计临储库存大约为500多万吨。豆粕也将连续跌停。避免连续跌停极其重要。完了,要跌停了+$ 期货3倍差异化手续费收费方式致期价“腰斩”须注意。预计中国2016年度大豆产量增长8.6%至1260万吨。全球天气良好且有巨量卖盘,大豆持续暴跌;有利于空方跌停潮。受经济形势不好的影响:商品再现跌停潮。猪价大幅下跌 ,“猪周期”已见顶转暴跌。没人听,也没人看。悲哀啊!
Soybean meal and rapeseed meal demand fell sharply, continuous limit inevitably oversupply +. Tonight, the United States agricultural products will continue to fall.
China did not release soybean inventory data, the market is estimated to store about about 5000000 tons of storage. The meal will be continuous limit. To avoid the continuous limit is extremely important. Finished, to limit +$futures 3 times charging fees caused by the poor dissimilation price cut should be noted. Expected China's annual soybean production increased by 8.6% to 1260 tons in 2016. The global weather is good and there are huge selling soybean continued to fall; to limit the influx of air. Affected by the economic situation is not good: reproduction limit the influx of commodity. Pork prices fell sharply, pig cycle has seen a sharp fall. No one listens, no one's watching. Sad ah!
中国没有发布大豆库存数据,市场估计临储库存大约为500多万吨。豆粕也将连续跌停。避免连续跌停极其重要。完了,要跌停了+$ 期货3倍差异化手续费收费方式致期价“腰斩”须注意。预计中国2016年度大豆产量增长8.6%至1260万吨。全球天气良好且有巨量卖盘,大豆持续暴跌;有利于空方跌停潮。受经济形势不好的影响:商品再现跌停潮。猪价大幅下跌 ,“猪周期”已见顶转暴跌。没人听,也没人看。悲哀啊!
Soybean meal and rapeseed meal demand fell sharply, continuous limit inevitably oversupply +. Tonight, the United States agricultural products will continue to fall.
China did not release soybean inventory data, the market is estimated to store about about 5000000 tons of storage. The meal will be continuous limit. To avoid the continuous limit is extremely important. Finished, to limit +$futures 3 times charging fees caused by the poor dissimilation price cut should be noted. Expected China's annual soybean production increased by 8.6% to 1260 tons in 2016. The global weather is good and there are huge selling soybean continued to fall; to limit the influx of air. Affected by the economic situation is not good: reproduction limit the influx of commodity. Pork prices fell sharply, pig cycle has seen a sharp fall. No one listens, no one's watching. Sad ah!
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